donderdag 26 september 2013

I need a little help

picture by:

I have been looking around on internet for candles. I have seen a lot, and I mean A LOT of beauty guru's rave about the products from Bath and Body Works. Sadly, there is not a Bath and Body Works in Europe (those candles look a-m-a-z-i-n-g). I know i totally would buy a lot of candles there, but unfortunately I can't. After that I heard about Yankee Candles. Those look perfect, and available in Europe!

I have a bad candle obsession, my favorites are from Ikea and from Bridgewater! The last one is very nice, especially the christmas scents. But I feel it's time for something new.

Has anyone an experience with Yankee Candles? I think they look amazing. Which ones should I try, and I'm also very curious about the car air fresheners, the Halloween and the Christmas collection. Please help me out haha. - Love, Amy
Haven't blogged in a while. That is because of my study and some things happened meanwhile. But now I'M BACK. I want to talk about some fall/autumn decoration. It's a miracle but it's still nice weather in the Netherlands. That really never happens! Although the weather is nice, I am in the mood for some hot tea, nice sweaters and scarfs. I am waiting to see the first falling leaves.

With some easy changes your decoration is fall-ready! As you can see the (fake) flowers in my were pink and sunny. I replaced them with some brown/orange leaves and some dark flowers, and you are fall ready! Did you change some little things in the room? This is just the beginning! - Love, Amy

Flowers before
Flowers after